Today we celebrate the release of Remaking Our Westmoreland - A Plan for the Alle-Kiski District - a lean, engaging, and implementable plan focusing on land use, mobility, and intergovernmental cooperation! The plan is the culmination of our year-and-a-half-long effort to capitalize on the Alle-Kiski region's strengths and overcome barriers to community and municipal vibrancy.
But now the work really begins! The plan is just a plan. And like other plans, it requires action. The first step includes adopting the plan and proceeding with the Alle-Kiski Intergovernmental Council through resolution. These resolutions can be adopted at anytime, though a target date has been set to have them acted upon by January 31, 2021. Congrats to West Leechburg who is the first to do so! As others come on board, be sure to email us your resolutions, and feel free to request any assistance needed. Comments are closed.