As part of the launch of the Alle-Kiski Planning District project, a survey has been prepared to learn more about the area, the concerns of municipal officials, and the potential of working together. Information sharing, as was discussed at the kick-off, is a fundamental benefit municipalities in the Alle-Kiski Planning District can experience as a result of this project. In this survey, municipal officials help get that started by sharing their view with our facilitators in response to a variety of questions about our shared opportunity.
Here is the graphic from Reimagining Our Westmoreland and the Alle-Kiski kick-off presentation about the potential of the planning district concept. A creative process by local leaders helps these ideas take shape.
While county demographic figures foretell an aging and declining workforce, figures at the Planning District level may differ. In Planning District 1, the numbers are similar to county changes as population change is typified by decline. First, a 4.4% decline between 2000 and 2010 and a second, less pronounced decline from 2010 to 2017 of 2.8%.
We recognize that these regional changes are broad in their impact. School districts cross municipal borders. Employers seek employees across municipal borders. Residents may live in one community, but may shop in another. With fewer employees, there are fewer paychecks to support restaurant and retail stores, schools, and infrastructure in every community. The Planning District approach recognizes:
Don't forget, municipal officials in the 11 municipalities of Planning District 1 are invited to the kick-off on June 24, 2019 at 6:30 PM at the Allegheny Township Municipal building, 136 Community Building Road, Leechburg, PA 15656. Arrive by 6:15 PM for a light bite and networking. All municipal officials are invited to attend, please RSVP here. As a county, we’re facing new demographic changes that present unique challenges to our continued economic and community development. Reimagining Our Westmoreland was created to engage with the community and develop strategies that address these critical issues.
Since 2000, the county has lost almost 20,000 residents. As the size of our workforce follows population trends, what does this change present for employers? Throughout the public engagement process, we heard from hundreds of employers that finding a stable workforce is among their top concerns. How are we going to solve this? Through exhaustive public outreach, engagement and problem solving, seven core objectives were developed that include: 1) Align Workforce, Education, Employers, and Entrepreneurship, 2) Discover Westmoreland, 3) Reposition Our Towns, 4) Connect with Parks and Nature, 5) Build Healthy and Whole Communities, 6) Plug into the New Economy, and 7) Create Transportation Choices. These core objectives address our central problem of an aging and declining population. They represent a holistic approach to economic and community development. However, nearly every strategy that supports the core objectives requires regional cooperation and partnership. Municipal officials in the 11 municipalities of Planning District 1 are invited to the kick-off on June 24, 2019 at 6:30 PM at the Allegheny Township Municipal Building, 136 Community Building Road, Leechburg, PA 15656. Arrive by 6:15 PM for a light bite and networking. All municipal officials are invited to attend, please RSVP here. Municipal officials in the 11 municipalities of the first Planning District exploration are invited to the kick-off of the effort on June 24, 2019 at 6:30 PM at the Allegheny Township Municipal Building, 136 Community Building Road, Leechburg, PA 15656. Arrive by 6:15 PM for a light bite and networking. All municipal officials are invited to attend, please RSVP here.